Magazine Project
GD4/ Spring 2022
Pick a topic of interest and think of a problem that can be solved and explained in a magazine. Collect photographs, information, typefaces, and inspiration to create your own magazine design. Use composition, color, and the things you have collected to create an appealing design. The magazine consists of a cover page and two spreads. The cover spread contains elements such as title, subtitle, and article headings. The two spreads contain images and information such as interesting articles on your topic and a list.
This was a very interesting challenge to tackle. For my topic I chose photography and how you can take attention-grabbing photographs just by capturing what is around you. The images I collected captured this idea of taking pictures of everyday things (miscellaneous objects, sunsets, blurred lights, selfies, rooms, buildings, etc.). The magazine also includes photos that focus on different camera techniques and photo editing.
Design brief
What is the theme of your magazine?
Creating modern and stylized photography using your own everyday surroundings.
Who is your magazine for and how would you define them?
Aspiring photographers who want to capture life in a visually engaging way. Ambitious and supportive of photography of varying styles.
What is your audience mindset? Main points?
“Photographs can show much more than just a still image. Photographs take the world and put it into a different perspective.”
What differentiates your magazine from other publications?
It takes photography from many different people and allows for the creative display of different world views through a camera lens.
What are some name ideas for your magazine?
Lens. Viewpoint. Angle. Focus.
What is the personality of your magazine?
Welcoming, varied, colorful, explosive.
What is the main topic of the current issue? (the issue you are designing now)
Creativity block. Creating something incredible with mundane/boring scenery.
What was the main topic of the last issue?
Affordable cameras. Working with what you have
What is the main topic of the next issue?
Collaging and Image making with your photography.


Mood boards/ Inspiration
When it came to selecting the kinds of images I wanted featured in my magazine, I collected photos that looked like they could have been taken by anyone. The photos either show people, household objects, or scenery. These are subjects of photography that are not too extreme and, for the most part, can be easily captured. This was important because it fit the theme within my magazine brief and overall design.

Cover Iterations
The cover establishes the vibrant colors that are shown throughout the magazine. Once again, with the photo shown here, I wanted to convey the idea of accessible photography. Here, I also experimented with many different titles for the magazine. I settled on the name “Relativity” to express differing degrees of photography for each individual.

Spread 1 Iterations
With this first spread, it was key for me to show more photography. This spread introduced more of the photography techniques that can be used to make mundane photographs a lot more interesting (this includes blurring and extreme coloration).

Spread 2 Iterations
With spread two, I made sure to follow the design format I established for the first two designs (color and displays of various types of photography).

Final Designs

Magazine Design Deck
The final piece of the magazine project is the design deck. This is the combination of all the elements to show the process I went through in creating this magazine.